
Showing posts from December, 2021

Leo Secrets || January 2022


Libra Secrets || January 2022


Gemini Secrets || January 2022


Aquarius Secrets || January 2022


VIRGO Secrets || January 2022


Another Year Passed & I STILL...

 So much for setting a standard with the Universe...   Last year I posted an entry where I begged for a few things and gave the Universe until January 2021 to provide.  Well, I got SOME answers and they didn't come until Virgo season.  I guess some are better than none. I had what felt like a non-productive 2021, however, now that I'm actually focusing on each month I've found that is not exactly true.  I was very progressive mentally and emotionally.  In the last entry, I mentioned that I was seeing and feeling things about my life that I didn't want to deal with, but had no choice.  I did end up facing it all. While in Virgo season I was getting a ton of repressed events popping back up to the surface through random conversations and mediations/naps.  I also lost some stress weight I gained in 2020 while napping, which was a first, so that's something positive.  Now I take the time to nap, meditate or be still every day. These memorie...