Another Year Passed & I STILL...

 So much for setting a standard with the Universe...  

Last year I posted an entry where I begged for a few things and gave the Universe until January 2021 to provide.  Well, I got SOME answers and they didn't come until Virgo season.  I guess some are better than none.

I had what felt like a non-productive 2021, however, now that I'm actually focusing on each month I've found that is not exactly true.  I was very progressive mentally and emotionally.  In the last entry, I mentioned that I was seeing and feeling things about my life that I didn't want to deal with, but had no choice.  I did end up facing it all.

While in Virgo season I was getting a ton of repressed events popping back up to the surface through random conversations and mediations/naps.  I also lost some stress weight I gained in 2020 while napping, which was a first, so that's something positive.  Now I take the time to nap, meditate or be still every day.

These memories were seriously painful and caused me to get quite angry at certain people, especially myself.  Having to deal with my emotions regarding a certain spiritual bond was terrifying for me, but I was able to get through it.  Forgiving the other person was super easy, but forgiving myself, well, that's a completely different story.  I had to face the fact that I never forgave myself and this is something I preach all the time!  WTF?  Yeah... so anyway, I am working on that right now.  

Yes, my intuition was screaming at me and yes I paid attention.  What I didn't do was ask more detailed questions to get the right answer at that time.  I did eventually get the information, but it was a few years later.  Had I done what my instincts told me to do in the first place, I could've spared both parties in my situation a lot of pain.  That is what I was telling myself, but the truth is that I had zero control over anything and as an Aquarius, I fucking hate that.

Every time I ignore my intuition I fail miserably.  EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME.  Lesson learned.  

This year I did a few things to balance the scales a bit.  I opened my mouth to express love and gave no fucks about it.  I also chose my battles wisely.  I took leaps of faith and tried new things, then bailed when I realized it was too fake for my nature.  I didn't drag shit on or waste much time on pointless things.  I'm very proud of that.  I set new boundaries as well.  

I thought I had mastered this years ago, but apparently not...I no longer give two shits about what people think of me.  

Some people say I'm trash.  Great, in your world I absolutely am and I don't want to be there anyway.  

Some say I'm stupid.  Great!  It's better this way so now I can go about my business and you won't bother me.  

Some say I'm ugly.  Great! So why are you watching if you can't stand the sight of me? 

Another year has passed and I still have some things to reconcile in my head and heart.  I think we all find ourselves in this place from time to time.  The greatest lesson I learned this year is to make sure I have all the facts before rendering a negative outcome in my head.  Communicate clearly so the people I care about most know I do.  Fight for who and what I want, otherwise I'll have to live with regret.  

The best advice I can give you guys is this:

NEVER FAKE BEING HAPPY.  If you need help, don't be afraid to ask for it.  The Universe provides.  

I hope you guys have a safe and healthy transition to 2022.



  1. Very well said you Amazing Beautiful Bitch <3 <3 <3 You glow when you grow, keep it up and dont look back (unless its to reflect on life) Keep that strong head up and SHINE girl SHINE and light the way for others to do the same <3 <3 <3

    1. I always respected u Der and I will always like I said how care about whatever people think of u I know u fore a long time I miss the time I was away fore a 4 day two down a new phone but I am back

  2. Yesss V well said. Love and light ✨ you're awesome 💜💜💜😘

  3. People change all the time and if you love them, you will relearn and put in the effort to love them where they are in life. The same goes for self love. Especially when you sit in silence and listen to your own thoughts. I think that you are lovely inside and out, and I believe that running out of fucks is sign of growth and maturity. I've been watching your channel since 2016. You are a lot less angry, but you still have that edge to your intelligence and humor. I hope 2022 will be the year that you break that glass ceiling. Much love to you and your family. Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you so much for the compliments and also for your thoughts on this entry. It will help someone who needs it.

  4. We never stop learning and the better we are at analyzing ourselves makes us better critical thinkers. We will never be truly satisfied with ourselves but that's a built in mechanism to continue to strive to be our best at what we do and to live our best life. Wishing you all the best in 2022!

  5. Capricorn the light u are buitiful amazing sexy and hart of gold love u fore how u are and whatever u do if u need two talk iam on merry Christmas god bless u and peace as a Capricorn we are peace make the truth


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