The One You Love (November 12, 2014)
Unrequited love...I wonder how many people in this world are stuck with this disheartening (possible) truth? I'd say about 80% of my client base throughout the years have struggled with unrequited love. In my experience professionally and personally, this is the absolute worst scenario one could face in their love life. Not just for the one on the receiving end, but for the targeted party as well. I've seen all sides to this issue. Let me explain... THE TARGET This is the person who has attracted another person who loves them deeply or is just simply infatuated, yet the feelings are not returned. The Target has the most responsibility in this situation since he or she must be the "bad guy" and deliver the truth; their love is not returned. When in this position he or she needs to be forthcoming and deliver this message with certainty. Never let the other person believe you're on the fence when you are not. If you do, you will qui...