MY Journey To Joy: Everything Happens for a Reason?
January 1, 2019. The first day of the new year. I'm about to turn 40 and definitely feeling the mid life empowerment. Yes, I said empowerment, not CRISIS. There's no such thing as a mid life crisis. An awakening, perhaps. It's the time in our life when we wake the fuck up and realize who is truly down for us and who is full of shit. A time to ponder our current emotional state and life goals. Some people start their process much younger than 40 while others simply go through continuous shifts and epiphanies. The revelation(s) can be a painful or be a tool used to give people, places and jobs the necessary boot in order for one to actually BE happy. Happiness can be created in such a way that it becomes a true reality. Most people shy away from the process of creation because sometimes extracting the toxic energy out of the system is uncomfortable, to say the least. I am constantly fighting individuals who only see me as...
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